If you find yourself wondering when you might get a decent night's sleep, enjoy a quiet afternoon, or be smiled at by your neighbor again, it's probably time to think about this bark control application.
The fact is, dogs bark. They do it when they're excited or when they sense danger. Some do it when they're bored - or worse, for no reason at all. In these cases, you want to teach your friend that barking is only permitted under certain circumstances.
- Stops your dog's constant barking almost like magic
- Barking activates the application, emitting a 12 seconds ultrasonic sound only be heard by your dog
- Startled, your dog will soon associate this unpleasant sound with his behavior and curb unwanted barking
- you can select between 4 sounds (ultrasound, dog, cat and whistle).
The sleep mode of your iDevice can be disabled.
You can choose the ultrasound frequency.
事实是,狗的吠声。他们这样做时,他们很高兴,或当他们感觉到危险。有些人这样做时,他们感到无聊 - 或更糟的是,没有任何理由可言。在这种情况下,你想教你的朋友说,吠叫只在某些情况下允许的。
- 停止你的狗的吠叫不变几乎像魔术
- 巴金激活应用程序,散发出12秒超声波只能由你的狗听到
- 大惊,你的狗会很快这种不愉快的声音与他的行为联系起来,遏制不必要的吠叫
- 你可以4个声音(超声,狗,猫和口哨)之间进行选择。